On Friday, September 5th, after work, Bill and I hopped onto Reno Air and zipped down to Reno for the weekend! We checked into the Reno Hilton (not to be confused with the Flamingo Hilton). The hotel had "lost" our reservation so we ended up getting a great suite! We had a fabulous view of Downtown Reno from the 19th floor.


After a night of drinking in a town where the bars never close (including watching Princess Diana's funeral a the Five Star Saloon at 3 a.m. during "Happy Hour") Bill said, "Thank goodness we had the common sense to stop drinking at 4 a.m." We got up at noon and went downtown to get some lunch and visit some casinos.

We met Bill's cousin Dave and his wife Lori for dinner at the Brews Brothers Restaurant and had some pizza and drinks. Dave and Lori took us out to the Nugget Casino in Sparks where we played Keno and a couple of slots. Of course, what would a trip to Reno be without a show? We saw the band "America" at the Nugget.

Dave and Lori drove us to Lake Tahoe on Sunday, it's only an hour from Reno. Then we flew back to Seattle from Reno in the evening.

The longest short trip in the

biggest little city in the world!